Friday, March 28, 2008

100 Things about Me!

In case you care to know (or are really bored) here are 100 things about me:

1. I don't know my left from my right (until I look for the freckle on my right arm).
2. Sandwiches are my favorite food.
3. I am under 5'5.
4. I sometimes think I am psychic (and my mom and grandma think they are too!)
5. My sister is my best friend (and M! I love her too obvi).
6. I love TV.
7. I "ran" a marathon senior year of high school- and could hardly walk for a week.
8. My parents divorced when I was 10.
9. I studied abroad in Africa and want to go back so badly.
10. Teeth are the first thing I notice about people and I often think people look alike just because they have the same teeth.
11. I cry at the drop of a hat. (or a sappy commercial, country song etc etc)
12. I abbreviate everything in a Seventeen magazine kind of way.
13. In high school I wanted to be an actress.
14. I was social chair of my sorority in college.
15. My friends say I only like downer music- its true- I hate rap and most other upbeat music.
16. I hate small dogs.
17. I am ALWAYS on time- or 5 minutes early.
18. I believe being late is the rudest thing ever.
19. I love tofu and veggies but can't give up meat.
20. I'm addicted to facebook
21. I took over 21 shots on my 21st birthday.
22. Cologne really is a deal maker or breaker- a good cologne is like poison for me.
23. I prefer stud earrings
24. I like eating tuna right from the can.
25. I could live off pickles.
26. I have an embarrassing affinity for chain restaurants- Chilis anyone?
27. My bed is indulgently comfortable.
28. I always thought I'd be a career woman but after 1.5 years of working I am already ready for retirement.
29. One of my best friends died a year ago after a long battle with bulimia. I wish more than anything I could take every girl with an eating disorder and just shake her out of it. I tried with her.
30. I have no patience. I'm working on it.
31. I love dresses.
32. My name isn't Lucy but I might name my daughter that one day.
33. I went to college on the bible belt and know a lot of people who got married the first year out of college just so they could have sex. That seems absolutely idiotic to me.
34. My mom is Jewish and my Dad is Christian- neither are religious. I don't believe in organized religion.
35. I love headbands
36. I go above and beyond for my friends which is a good trait. I sometimes expect them [unfairly] to do the same for me- this is not good.
37. I bite my nails- oops.
38. I LOVED college.
39. I have a secret and kind of big crush on my best guy friend... when I picture my future it is almost always with him.
40. I talk a lot.
41. I'm quick.
42. I am scared that I will end up alone.
43. I am scared that I am more like my Dad than I know.
44. But everyone says I am just like my Mom.
45. I love thunderstorms.
46. I taught sailing at summer camp but haven't sailed in 3 years. I loved it then but it always made me nervous. I am not good at any sport.
47. I have been in so many car accidents that my insurance actually dropped me once.
48. I love coffee and diners and cozy brunches.
49. I love the fall and the changing leaves and jacket weather.
50. I don't like Family Guy, kickball or reggae music. But I feel like everyone else does.
51. I don't drink liquor... anymore.
52. But I love wine.
53. I have an amazing memory.
56. I am a very heavy sleeper and if I am tired can pretty much sleep anywhere- sitting up, lights on, people talking, etc. I also go to bed very early.
57. I have experimented with drugs but don't take any on a regular basis.
58. I lost my virginity when I was 18. It wasn't picture perfect but I don't regret it.
59. I have been the other woman.
60. I have been cheated on- it made me more mad than sad.
61. I scored a 1400 on my SATs and got into my first choice school early.
62. I went to all girls private school for 13 years.
63. Both of my parents are lawyers.
64. My step mom is the ice queen.
65. I sleep in nightgowns.
66. I am crafty.
67. I bookmark tons of recipes but rarely cook them (its silly to cook for one).
68. I eat at least one bag of caramel rice cakes a week.
69. I love lists and my outlook calendar- I am semi-OCD.
70. I believe the perfect romance and love is out there. Sometimes I think my mom and step dad have it.
71. I love classic rock and really wish I grew up in the 70's and went to college in the 80's.
72. My friends think blogging is weird. I am very nervous they will find this and know after reading 2 lines it is me.
73. I don't hide my feelings well- especially after a few glasses of wine.
74. I love Christmas music. I went to see the Trans Siberian Orchestra this year and it was phenomenal.
75. I am a close talker.
76. I hate when people take more than 15 items into the express checkout line. I count what the people in front of me have.
77. I wish I was a better runner.
78. I am a bargain hunter.
79. My Grandmother died this winter. I started crying just typing that. I still don't believe its real.
80. I have a really hard time understanding death. I suppose everyone does but I just can't reconcile the hurt it causes in my mind.
81. I would do anything for my sister, ANYTHING. I think she knows that.
82. I didn't think I'd make it this far (I thought I'd stop at 50).
83. I was kind of slutty in college... all about the wrong kind of attention. I grew out of it but that doesn't mean I don't have my moments :)
84. I don't actually like concerts.
85. I love salad bars especially the pay by weight hot and cold bars they have all over NYC. I love most things about NYC but I could never live there for longer than one year. Maybe if someone promised me free Tasti-D for life.
86. When I am worried or stressed I get awful cramping stomach aches.
87. I love magazines- I have subscriptions to Cosmo, Marie Claire, Better Homes and Gardens, In Style and People. I wish I could afford more.
88. I overdo everything- Not much in my life is simple, uncomplicated or plain.
89. I was a tour guide in college.
90. I am a morning person.
91. I have great friends and a family I have recently learned is great too.
92. I am happy.
93. I am proud of my mom and hope to be just like her one day.
94. I love bowling even though I have the most success granny style.
95. I am a huge flirt.
96. I worry that I am too lazy to live up to my potential.
97. I don't pay enough attention to detail.
98. I still love The OC and was a loyal watcher until the end (when I cried myself to sleep).
99. I want to do something about AIDs and the epidemic it has created in Africa but when I sit down and think about it logistically it seems hopeless.
100. I am a romantic.

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